Channel: Stuart Edson – Brookfield, Vermont
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Public Safety Advisory Committee Meeting (remote) 4/29/20 5:40 PM



The Public Safety Advisory Committee for the Town of Brookfield, VT will meet remotely by electronic means on April 29, 2010 at 5:40 PM

Information on how to access the remote meeting:

By telephone: Dial [(701) 802-5217
When prompted enter the meeting Access Code 3053801

Please review our “Informational Handout for Remote Public Meetings” to understand how these electronic meetings will be managed. If you wish to make a public comment but do not have the ability to comment remotely during the meeting, please email your comment(s) to Brookfield Public Safety Committee at publicsafety@brookfieldvt.org.

To ensure smooth access, we recommend that you test your remote meeting software in advance of the meeting. If you have difficultly accessing the meeting, please call (844) 844-1322 or email publicsafety@brookfieldvt.org

WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 2020, 5:40 PM
All times will depend upon the amount of public participation

• 5:40 PM: Call to Order
• 5:42 PM: Additions or deletions to the agenda
o Public comment
• 5:45 PM: Review and approve previous of February 26, 2020 meeting minutes
o Public comment
• 5:50 PM: Open public comment period (if applicable)
• 6:00 PM Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills. [OCSD Patrol Hours]
o Public comment
• 6:10 PM: Town Over Weight and Over Sized System Project Progress
o Public comment
• 6:20 PM: E-911 Sign and Traffic Sign Status
o Public comment
• 6:25 PM: Emerald Ash Borer Progress
o Public comment
• 6:30 PM : Discuss Needed or Likely Projects for FY 2021
o Public comment
• 6:45 PM:] Public Safety Advisory Committee Website Use
o Public comment
• 6:50 PM: May Public Safety Message
o Public comment
• 7:00PM: Setting the Next Meeting
• 7:05 PM Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting
• 7:10: Entertain motion to adjourn meeting



Remote Public Meetings
All public body meetings for the Brookfield, VT Public Safety Advisory Committee will be conducted remotely via electronic means for the duration of Governor Scott’s State of Emergency declaration. Whenever feasible, the public will also be able to access and participate in the remote meetings by dialing in through telephone.
Accessing a Meeting
Please refer to each public body’s notice and agenda for information on how to access a remote meeting. Please note that whether you join by telephone, computer, or device, you may be put on hold or in a waiting “room” until granted access to the meeting. You also may be muted or restricted from using any chat function until the public comment portion of the meeting.
All meetings will be conducted in accordance with the respective “Rules of Procedure” of each public body, to the extent practicable. The public body will follow its agenda and allow public attendees to participate through voice (audio) means where feasible or alternatively using any chat function during the designated public comment periods on the agenda and at other applicable times as needed.
Initially, the meeting’s host/organizer will mute all participants that are not members of the public body. This is necessary to control background noise. The host/organizer will then unmute participants or allow participants to unmute themselves when invited to speak by the Chair of the public body.
Please review the following guidelines:
 The Chair will invite comment:
o during the time designated on the agenda for public comment;
o after the public body discusses each agenda item;
o before the public body takes action;
o during any open public comment period, if applicable; and
o other times as determined by the public body.
 When a participant/attendee is unmuted, they must state their name before commenting.
If the public body successfully moves to enter an executive session, the meeting’s host/organizer will then place everyone that is not part of the executive session on hold or a virtual waiting “room.” This will prevent attendees from hearing or participating in the meeting during the duration of the executive session. When the public body exits executive session, the host/organizer will then grant access back to the remote meeting.
When the public body adjourns the meeting, the host/organizer will end the electronic meeting by turning off/closing the remote meeting software. Attendees will be automatically disconnected.
Minutes and other public records that were part of the meeting will be made available in accordance with VT’s Open Meeting and Public Records Laws.

To learn more about Remote Public Meetings and the Open Meeting Law, please visit the Secretary of State’s Municipal Assistance webpage at https://sos.vermont.gov/municipal-division/laws-resources/covid-19-response/.

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