The following members attended: Mike Stoddard, Stuart Edson, Michael Rutkovsky and Lew Stowell.
- Review and Approve Minutes of November 20, 2019. Approved unanimously. There was discussion that the agenda was not posted as soon as usual but the meeting was held.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public. No members of the public attended.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills. The November bill was for 7.5 hours of patrol costing $352.50. L Stowell to send an email to OCSD inquiring about obtaining more results of patrols in sensitive areas.
- Review of Radar Speed Cart Deployment Data. The data for the October – November deployment at the Brookfield Elementary School showed 43.2% of the vehicles coming North past the school were exceeding the 30 MPH limit. No data was available from the Northfield road deployment. The Speed Cart has been put away for the Winter.
- Site Visit at 2141 Stone Road Continued Discussion. John Benson informed the committee by email that the Select Board has sent a letter to Sid Cushing as requested but no significant action has been observed so far. Perhaps there will be in the Spring.
- Town Over Weight and Over Sized System Project Progress. The committee reviewed and suggested revisions of a draft report to the Select Board on how to make Brookfield town highways and bridges enforceable for weight limits. L Stowell to make the changes and send to the Select Board. S Edson reported that Brookfield currently does not have an account with the DMV road and bridge restrictions data base. S Edson is willing to help set it up once the Select Board assigns someone to be in charge of the account and make changes as needed.
- E-911 Sign and Traffic Sign Status. M Rutkovsky to call people who have not picked up their house number signs yet.
- FY 2021 Budget Items. L Stowell to email Select Board and request that sufficient funds be budgeted for FY2021 for the needed weight limit signs and a contractor to erect them. Additionally, an amount should be budgeted for any missing and damaged traffic signs that need to be ordered and a contractor hired to erect them.
- Brookfield Fire Department Smoke & CO2 alarm program. Deferred.
- Emerald Ash Borer Progress. L Stowell to meet with K Forrer to compete plans.
- Public Safety Advisory Committee Website Use. Google Analytics installed to measure traffic on Town website including Public Safety page. S Edson to proceed further with reports.
- January Public Safety Message. M Stoddard to draft a safety message and send to L Stowell.
- Setting the Next Meeting. January 15, 2020 at 5:30 PM.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting. No guests to be invited.
- Adjournment at 6:33 PM.
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