WEDNESDAY OCTBER 30, 2019, 5:30 PM
The following members attended: Dan Mason, Mike Stoddard, Stuart Edson, Michael Rutkovsky and Lew Stowell. Teresa Godfrey assisted with recent developments as Town Clerk.
- Review and Approve Minutes of September 25, 2019. Approved with a date change for the October meeting to October 30, 2019
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public. No members of the public attended.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills. It was noted that OCSD only provided 4.5 hours in September.
- Review of Radar Speed Cart Deployments. The cart has been moved from the Brookfield Elementary School to the East end of Northfield Road. It will be moved soon to the West end of Northfield Road. No data from the Elementary School deployment has been received yet.
- Site Visit at 2141 Stone Road Discussion. After discussion, the committee voted unanimously to have L Stowell send an email to the Select Board recommending that the board take Sid Cushing Jr up on his offer to move vehicles and other obstacles back so that town snow plows can move snow out of the traveled portion of the road onto the town right of way.
- Town Over Weight and Over Sized System Project Progress. After discussion the committee approved continuing to gather information and to have S Edson contact the DMV Town Highway & Bridges weight Restrictions website to learn more about the site. L Stowell to send an email to likely sources of information about how the town should set up a proper program. There was also discussion about the TRORC traffic studies conducted on Northfield Rd.
- E-911 Sign and Traffic Sign Status. Orders for 60 signs have been received and more will be received as taxes are paid. L Stowell to create a spread sheet and coordinate with T Godfrey so that the order goes out next week.
- Brookfield Fire Department Smoke & CO alarm program. L Stowell to check with Kevin Wheatley to see if the Fire Department needs any help on their project.
- Emerald Ash Borer Progress. Washington Electric won’t be able to help until next year. L Stowell to check with Larry Gilbert to see when “next year” begins.
- Public Safety Advisory Committee Website Use. S Edson to set up a gmail account for the town and consult with the website tech to arrange a Google Analytics account.
- October Public Safety Message. M Stoddard to send a draft of the November Safety Message to L Stowell soon.
- Setting the Next Meeting. November 20, 2019
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting. If available, a DMV Truck Enforcement Inspector will be invited to explain how his or her unit fits into the overall law enforcement process.
- Adjournment. Adjourned at 6:53 PM
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