Wednesday October 18, 2017 6:00 PM, Brookfield Town Clerk’s Office, Ralph Road, Brookfield, VT
Unapproved Minutes
Attending were the following PSAC members: Stuart Edson, Kevin Joyal, Mike Stoddard and Lew Stowell.
- Review and Approve Revised Minutes of September 13, 2017. Approved revised minutes unanimously.
- Questions or Issues Brought by Members of the Public. No members of the public attended.
- Continuing Review of OCSD Activities, Reports and Bills. Discussion of patrol statistics to include roads patrolled in July. L. Stowell to bring all charts up to date by November meeting.
- Report on the Status of the Revision of the Brookfield Traffic Ordinance Revision. Presentation and discussion of various communications with the Select Board. S. Edson & L. Stowell will attend October 23 Select Board meeting as requested.
- October Public Safety Message. Draft message approved pending S. Edson review. To be placed on the Town web site in the Public Safety Advisory Committee area.
- Discussion of Status of Public Nuisance Ordinance. After a discussion K. Joyal is to speak with Sheriff Bohnyak about verbal warnings.
- Review Status of Traffic and Road Signs in Brookfield. It was noted during discussion that several traffic signs have been replace. The committee would like to see a prioritized list of signs to be replaced. The committee feels that Stone Road starting near the Floating Bridge to the Williamstown line should have top priority pending the Select Board action on the draft Traffic Ordinance.
- Discussion of Pond Village and Stone Road Parking Status. Rumor has it that Ariel’s Restaurant may be sold as a restaurant as opposed to a residence. If that occurs, the committee recommends that the Select Board invite the new owners to a Select Board meeting to discuss parking options. L. Stowell spoke with Sheriff Bohnyak as requested in the September meeting about parking issues on the West side of Stone Road. OCSD will include Stone Road more often in their patrols to include evening hours and will issue either warnings or tickets for vehicles parked in the traveled portion of the town road. The committee is concerned that there could be an accident there if proper parking is not enforced.
- Setting the Next Meeting. November 15, 2017 at 5:30 PM at the Town Clerk’s Office.
- Inviting Guests to the Next Meeting. No guests will be invited because of expected action by the Select Board and action on above items which may require further discussion or action by the committee.
- Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned unanimously at 6:22 PM.
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